SuperBowl Squares 2025
See your squares & game updates at
Support PPRI & buy Superbowl Squares for a chance to win! 50% of proceeds will help save dogs!
To buy multiple squares, add your first desired square number to the cart, then hit your back button to return to this page to add your second square - repeat for all the squares you would like then checkout. Square Numbers are the row(0-9) for first digit and column (0-9) for last digit(s) - i.e. row 2, column 5 will be square 25 and row 0, column 0 will be 00.
The column and row numbers will be randomly selected the morning of the Superbowl (February 9th) at 10am. These will be matched up with the last digits of the team scores to determine the Winners. Winners will be announced at the end of each quarter (4 winners total). Names will be updated here as squares are purchased (updates may take a few hours).
If all squares are sold, each winner will get $200!
Score & Square updates can be viewed at: