Puzzle Piece Fundraiser
Help support PPRI with our puzzle fundraiser! It’s the small pieces that make the big picture
Check in on https://www.petpackrescueinitiative.com/puzzle-fundraiser to see the piece assignments and available pieces!
Pieces are $10/each and can be purchased online – you can select a specific piece number or have it randomly assigned.
Once all the pieces have been sold, we will do a random draw for prizes! You could win one of three ‘grand’ prizes (including a Thyme/Cayenne/Sugar gift card, Popcorn & Game (Dog-Opoly) basket, or lottery basket including dog toys) OR one of twenty other prizes like gift cards for Baskin-Robbins or Starbucks, wine, fun socks, and more! All funds raised help support the dogs in our care. Supporting a great cause + a chance to win a fun prize? Sounds like a win-win!